Thursday, July 28, 2011

How to Draw Chuckie Finster

how to draw chuckie finster from rugrats
how to draw chuckie finster from rugrats step 1


 Okay lets start this first step on how to draw Chuckie from Rugrats by drawing the shape of his head and add the facial guidelines. Next draw the lining for his shoulders, torso, hips and legs.
how to draw chuckie finster from rugrats step 2


 Okay now you will start drawing Chuckie's wild red colored hair that at this point looks like a bunch of flames. Once that is done you can then start sketching out the shape of the face and neck.
how to draw chuckie finster from rugrats step 3


 Finish drawing out the front hair line of Chuckie's hair style and then draw out his right ear. Next draw a nose and then the lining of his open smile. Now that Chuckie's head shape and hair is drawn out you will start sketching his shoulders and collar.
how to draw chuckie finster from rugrats step 4


 You will now work on drawing Chuckie's glasses which is basically two square shapes. Add some freckles, nostril holes, and detail inside of his ear. Give Chuckie his bucked teeth and tongue. Detail his collar and finish drawing out his shirt sleeves. Once that is done you can draw out the arms and some of teh hands.
how to draw chuckie finster from rugrats step 5


 Finish drawing Chuckie's glasses and then some pupils. Once that is done draw a picture of Saturn on his shirt and then cap off the bottom of his shirt. Sketch out his baggy pants and then draw out his hands. You will start the shape of his legs and move to the next step.
how to draw chuckie finster from rugrats step 6


 Draw the stripes on his shorts and then then start drawing out his socks, sneakers, and laces.
how to draw chuckie finster from rugrats step 7


 Finish off his sneakers and then start erasing all the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one to finish off your sketch and prepare Chuckie for color.
how to draw chuckie finster from rugrats step 8


 Here is what your Rugrats character should look like when you are totally done. Color him in and you have just learned "how to draw Chuckie Finster" from Rugrats step by step.

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