How to Draw Baby Yoshi

Baby Yoshi consists of a few circles to complete its' final form. Start with a head shape, another circle for the snout, the body shape, and then draw two shapes for the feet.

Now you will start sketching out the actual shape of the head, and nose like you see here, and notice how the smile is incorporated with the face design. don't forget to draw in the chubby cheek.

Draw out the arms, and chunky hands, and then draw out the shape of Yoshi's torso which sort of looks like a tear drop.

For your last drawing step, all you need to do is draw out the bumpy cheek, and then draw out the large buggy eyes, color in some pupils, and then draw out the shoes that Yoshi is known for wearing. Don't forget Yoshi's tail. Also, add the nostril holes, and the detailing on the bottom of the shoe. Erase the lines and shapes that you drew in step one.

When you are all done, Baby Yoshi should look like the one you see here. Color him in whatever shade you like, and then that's it.
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