How to Draw Jerry

Start this first step by drawing the guidelines and shapes of Jerry. You will first make a big circle for his head and then add his facial guidelines in. You will then make a dash of a line for his ear and then draw a semi oval shape for his belly. From the belly shape you will attach the guidelines for his limbs, feet and hands.

Now in this step you will start shaping out his face which includes his forehead and oval eyes. You will then shape out the arms and then his little legs. As you seen in the finished picture you will start drawing out the block of cheese he is holding in his hands.

Now that you have made it this far, I'm sure you already know what is next? That is right begin sketching out the face and then draw out the big rounded ear. Give Jerry eyebrows and two pupils. You will then make his cute little cheek and then a nice smile. Draw the rest of the cheese block and then his hand. Add his other arm and then the shape of his left leg. Add some toes and move on.

Since this is your last step I think you know what you will be doing? Finishing off Jerry that's right. Start by Drawing the other ear shape and then add his pieces of hair on top of his head. You will next detail the inside of the right ear as shown. Detail his eyebrow and then add some whiskers. Make some holes in the mouse cheese and then give him a nice mousey tail. after you are don you can then erase all the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one.

When you are done you will end up with something like the Jerry you see here. Color in his eyes and that is it color him in. That is it you are done. You have just finished this tutorial on how to draw Jerry the mouse from Tom and Jerry. I will be back in a while with some more.
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