Thursday, July 28, 2011

How to Draw Victoria Justice, Victoria Justice, Victorious

how to draw victoria justice, victoria justice, victorious
how to draw victoria justice, victoria justice, victorious step 1


 Start this first step to drawing Victoria Justice by drawing a circle, this will be for her head. The size of the shape should be big enough to sketch out a face. If you want a larger portrait, draw a larger shape. Add the facial guides as well before moving along.
how to draw victoria justice, victoria justice, victorious step 2


 Okay, instead of sketching out the eyes, I want you to first sketch out the shape of her nose in a 3/4 angle. Use a light stroke when drawing the nose because the nose is a feature that shouldn't have bold lines.
how to draw victoria justice, victoria justice, victorious step 3


 Using a nice light stroke, begin sketching out her eyebrows. The lining should flow in one motion, and when that is done you can sketch the shapes of her eyes. The lid lining should be bolder and thicker giving her the appearance of having mascara or liner on. Lastly, sketch in the eyelashes and then move to step four.
how to draw victoria justice, victoria justice, victorious step 4


 Draw the bottom lid lines to finish the shaping of her eyes. When that is done you can sketch in the eyeballs, color in the pupils, add some shading on the eye, and then sketch in her lashes. You will also lightly add some under eye creases too for a puffy look.
how to draw victoria justice, victoria justice, victorious step 5


 This step is easy because all you have to do is sketch out the mouth and or lips. She is always smiling with an open smile so the later step will actually guide you to adding in her teeth.
how to draw victoria justice, victoria justice, victorious step 6


 Okay, to make things as simple as possible, I want you to simply draw a single line that will outline the bottoms of her top row of teeth. When you're done, lightly sketch in some smile or frown lines to define the cheeks.
how to draw victoria justice, victoria justice, victorious step 7


 Only two more steps to go. Sketch out the shape or structure of her face like so, and then sketch in that one line which will be for her straight hairstyle. The hair is going to frame her face which also makes drawing Victoria Justice simple.
how to draw victoria justice, victoria justice, victorious step 8


 One more step after this one guys. All you have to do now is sketch out her entire hairstyle which has a lot of wavy and body. The outer lining should have slopes and folds to add realism and body. Draw in her neck, and when you're done move along to the last drawing step.
how to draw victoria justice, victoria justice, victorious step 9


 All you have to do here is sketch in the detailing and definition to her hairstyle. This is just a series of strand lines that will add texture and style. Erase any visible guides that you drew in step one.
how to draw victoria justice, victoria justice, victorious step 10

STEP 10.

 Look how pretty she looks when you are all done. Now you can go ahead and color the portrait in, or leave her face as a sketch. Thanks for having fun with me as we learned how to draw Victoria Justice.

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