Thursday, July 28, 2011

how to draw a butterfly design
how to draw a butterfly design step 1


 Start this first step by drawing the shape of the butterfly wings and then a circle shape off to the lower left hand side for the heart. Make sure you take your time so that all the lining comes out nice and neat.
how to draw a butterfly design step 2


 See this lesson isn't too bad right? You will now start sketching out the actual shape of the butterfly wings as you see here. They have arches and points to make them pretty and dainty looking. You will then draw out the shape of the insect body and then add one line at the ends of each wing. You will then draw out the begining shape of the heart as well.
how to draw a butterfly design step 3


 Now as you can see you have made it to your third step which means you are almost done. Now as you can see you will take your time adding the beautiful design to the butterfly wings and then thicken the lower tips as well. You will then add some antenna lines and then eyeballs.
how to draw a butterfly design step 4


 Well you have made it to your last step and here you will finish the wing design on your beautiful butterfly. You can then erase all your guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one.
how to draw a butterfly design step 5


 Ta da! This is exactly what your finished tattoo design looks like when you are totally done. I hope you liked this tutorial on how to draw butterfly designs step by step. I will be back with two more lesson in a bit so stick around folks.
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